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  • 1. 完形填空

        My brother Frank is a clerk (职员) at a clothes store. He works for very1hours from Monday to Friday. He usually2at six in the morning. After he brushes his3and washes his face, he starts to4for thirty minutes. He thinks running is5for his health. Then he has breakfast. After breakfast, he6to work. He is very7. He has no time to go home for lunch, so he eats8at the store. In the9, he works for four hours. He has dinner at home. On weekends, he is not busy. He usually goes to the cinema (电影院)10me.

    A . long B . big C . short D . small
    A . goes home B . gets up C . goes to work D . eats breakfast
    A . shirts B . shoes C . teeth D . trousers
    A . speak B . swim C . sing D . run
    A . happy B . good C . fun D . difficult
    A . takes B . goes C . buys D . sells
    A . interesting B . busy C . funny D . good
    A . them B . him C . it D . us
    A . afternoon B . morning C . evening D . night
    A . at B . to C . for D . with
