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  • 1. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

        My name is Sam Green. This is a photo of my grandparents. My grandma's name is Helen, She is 66. My grandpa's name is Bob. He's 70. They have two daughters and one son. Their (他们的) daughters are Kate and Amy, and their son is David. Kate is my mother. She is nice. My aunt Amy is 34. She has two sons. They are Eric Brown and Jim Brown. They are my cousins. Eric is 12 and Jim is 10. Jim is in my school. My uncle David is 30. He is in a blue jacket. He has no children.

    1. (1) How old(多少岁)is Sam's grandpa?
    2. (2) How is Kate?
    3. (3) What's Eric's last name?
    4. (4) Who is in Sam's school?
    5. (5) What color is David's jacket?
