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        My name is Jenny. I'm 12. Here are my family's breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the morning, my parents have bread and milk for breakfast. My mother thinks they are healthy. But I don't like bread. I eat an egg and some noodles. I like hamburgers for lunch, but 1 can't eat them. My mother doesn't let me eat them. She thinks they are not healthy. So we have rice, eggs, and vegetables for lunch. In the evening, my mother likes fruit for dinner. She likes strawberries and pears. But my father doesn't like them. He likes chicken. What about me? I like salad. After dinner. I can eat some ice cream.

    1. (1) Jenny's parents have bread and milk for breakfast.
    2. (2) Jenny doesn't like milk.
    3. (3) Jenny always has hamburgers for lunch.
    4. (4) Jenny's mother likes fruit for dinner.
    5. (5) For dinner, Jenny can have some ice cream.
