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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Hello! Welcome to Mr. Green's Clothes Store! We are at (冠词) great sale now. We have many good clothes at very good (price). Come and buy your clothes (介词) our store now.

        For (boy), we have sweaters in all colors for $ 35. How about jackets? Do you like them? They are only $ 30. For girls, we have many nice skirts in red, purple (连词) white. How much are the skirts? They are only $40. Do you need (sport) shoes? We have all kinds of shoes for you. How much (be) they? They are only $40 for one pair and $70 for two (pair). For Boys and girls, we have T-shirts in all (color) for only $25. Do you like shorts? They are on sale, too. Do you want to buy them? (come) to our store and see!
