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    Come and See at Wenhua Store

        Do you need school things? We have pencil boxes for only 5 dollars each(每一). The pens are 3 dollars each. We have erasers for 2 dollars and pencils for only 1 dollar. A big notebook is 10 dollars and a small one is 7 dollars.

    Come to Qingfeng Store

        Welcome to Qingfeng Store! We are having a great sale now. We have nice clothes for boys and girls. For girls, we have nice skirts in all colors for only $35. We have all sizes(尺码).For boys, we have T-shirts in black and brown for only $30. You can find what you want here.

    Come to Mr. Green's Store

        Do you like playing ball games? We have some good things for you. Soccer balls are $15 each. Basketballs are only $25 each. And we have tennis balls for only $20 and ping pong balls for $5. Each tennis racket is $30 and each ping pong bat is $15. Come and have a look at our store.

    1. (1) What can we buy in Wenhua Store?
      A . School things. B . Nice clothes. C . Sports things. D . Nice food.
    2. (2) Qingfeng Store is a ________.
      A . sports store B . clothes store C . shoe store D . bookstore
    3. (3) Henry buys two basketballs and two pairs of ping pong bats in Mr. Green's Store. He needs to pay (支付)_________.
      A . $80 B . $90 C . $100 D . $110
    4. (4) What can we know about Mr. Green's Store?
      A . A pair of tennis rackets is 30 dollars. B . It's a sports store only for boys. C . You can buy a volleyball for 30 dollars. D . It sells four kinds of balls in it.
    5. (5) 下列哪项陈述是正确的?
      A . Wenhua Store is a bookstore for boys and girls. B . The sizes of the boy's T-shirts are not the same. C . A fat girl may (可能) buy a skirt in Qingfeng Store. D . Qingfeng Store has T-shirts for boys in three colors.
