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  • 1. 补全对话

    A. Let's make it now.

    B. Two should be enough.

    C. Do you have any oranges?

    D. Do we need any dragon fruit (火龙果)?

    E. We need two apples and three bananas.

    F. First, peel the apples and bananas.

    G. Do you know how to make it?

    A: Hi, Tara! Do you like fruit salad?

    B: Oh, yeah, Anna. I like it very much.


    B: OK. What do we need?

    A: Let me see.

    B: What else (其他的)?

    A: Some salad cream. of course.

    B: How much?

    A: Er… One teaspoon (茶匙).

    B: OK.

    A: Yes, only a small one. And some yogurt.

    B: How much?

    A: A cup.

    B: Yes. How many oranges do we need?

    A: And here is a bowl. It's ready now.
