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  • 1. (2020七下·岳阳期末) 补全短文 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Say Good Things to Other People

        “It's very nice of you to help me.” “I can see from your eyes that you are a smart child."

        In the USA, January 24th is National Compliment(赞美) Day. We all feel good when we hear some nice things about ourselves. Nice words make us happy.

        But do you often say nice words to your friends? Your nice words are important to them. So now tell your friend, “You look good today.” Say to your mother, “You're a good cook.”Say to your father, “

        Remember! Don't say anything(任何东西) unless(除非) you have any good things to say. if you can't find good things about people, or you will do more harm(伤害) than good.


    A. Do you say good things to your parents?
    B. Thank you very much.
    C. You're a great dad.
    D. Be quiet.
    E. Speak aloud (大声地).
    F. Your nice words must come from your heart (心).
    G. On that day people say nice things to others.

