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  • 1. (2020高一下·淮安期末) 阅读理解

        Today I achieved a dream that was born in April this year. Before April I never swam, biked or ran. I played basketball sometimes, but I did little in the way of endurance (耐力) workouts. One day in April, however, this changed. I want to find a way to challenge myself. I decided I was going to train for the Chicago marathon and complete it in six months.

        The day finally came. For the first 11 miles, everything was going great. I was pacing(调整节奏) myself correctly and there wasn't too much pain or tiredness building up in my legs. Shortly after mile 12, however, I started to feel some pain. Miles 12-17 became a mental battle as I tried to convince myself to get to the finish line without walking.

        Miles 17-20 were getting hard. I had to consciously push myself to stay at the race pace I was aiming for. My ankles (脚踝) were starting to hurt and my legs were giving out. At around mile 21 I got a stomach ache. I thought I might have to stop and walk for a minute, but the determination side of my brain took over and said, "Stick to your goals and never give up!"

        The last 3-4 miles of the marathon were like nothing I have experienced. At the aid station at mile 24 I walked for a few seconds and drank some water. Then I started running and slowly I got back up to speed and went on. The last mile stands as the single most difficult thing I have done physically and mentally. Every step I took, my brain was screaming at me to walk. but I wouldn't listen.

        When I crossed the finish line I was so happy and excited that I began to cry. I will never forget this day and I encourage everyone to go after that big event you have been thinking about, because although it will be hard, there are few more rewarding feelings than the feeling I had today crossing the finish line at the Chicago Marathon.

    1. (1) The writer ran a marathon because he/she wanted to
      A . win a prize B . get into shape C . make a difference D . take up a sport
    2. (2) What was the writer's mental battle at the Marathon?
      A . To run or not to. B . To walk or not to. C . To stop or not to. D . To rest or not to.
    3. (3) What played an important role in the writer's completing the Marathon?
      A . Enthusiasm. B . Interest. C . Experience. D . Determination.
    4. (4) How did the writer feel about the experience at the Chicago Marathon?
      A . Painful. B . Amazing. C . Embarrassing. D . Enjoyable.
