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  • 1. 完形填空

        I will never forget a story in the rest of my life. One day about two years ago, I was driving home with my husband. It was freezing cold outside. So I didn't want to get out of the car and just stayed at the wheel when we passed a cafe. Suddenly I1a short old man, covered with some bits of cloth,2with the cold. He was waiting for anyone who would leave him a coin or a cup of3coffee. I asked my husband to4him and hand this old man something. He looked at my husband's face, smiled and said, "Thank you." I felt so happy5I wished the old man could live through the cold night.

        I was sure to meet him again and find out6he was the next day, as I had to pass this way the following day. I did so the next evening, and he7the car and came up to my window and smiled at me. This time I8him a bag of food. He reached out for the bag and I gave him my hand. He held the food, smiled and said, "May God bless you!" I looked at the old man and he made me think of my father.

        I do hope all of us will remember that9one day, it could happen to one of us. so please do not pass by a poor person10offering at least a word of love or a kind smile.

    A . looked B . realised C . noticed D . heard
    A . shaking B . crying C . standing D . holding
    A . black B . sweet C . cold D . hot
    A . step by B . go over C . come up to D . move
    A . and B . so C . but D . yet
    A . why B . where C . when D . how
    A . believed B . remembered C . caught D . got
    A . returned B . received C . offered D . threw
    A . anyway B . maybe C . suddenly D . almost
    A . without B . with C . by D . during
