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  • 1. (2016八上·浙江期中) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D选项中选出最佳选项。

        Cold air, snow, shorter days. We are in winter now.

        Winter is the coldest season of the year. It comes between autumn and spring. For us, the winter months are usually November, December and January. But that is only because we live in the northern part of the Earth.

        In China, winter is the time between the beginning of winter, and the beginning of spring. But, this is the time that the southern part of the Earth, has its summer. Imagine when we are playing with snow, Australian kids are enjoying ice cream!

        Winter isn't always gray. It can also be bright. Here's how.

        Put on a holiday play and try acting. Ask your cousins or classmates to come to your house and make beautiful clothes and write a play. Act it out for your family.

        Play around. Go outside and enjoy yourself. Make a snowman with your friends. If you really have to stay indoors, give your room a clean and decorate (装饰) it. You'll find it a lot of fun.

    1. (1) What does this passage mainly talk bout?

      A . Ways to decorate houses. B . The winter season and fun winter activities. C . The difference between China and Australia. D . The colours linked(联系在一起)to winter.
    2. (2) Why are Australian kids eating ice cream when it's winter in China?

      A . Because they are crazy about ice cream. B . Because they don't have much to do in winter. C . Because it's summer in Australia when it's winter in China. D . Because winter in Australia is not as cold as that in China.
    3. (3) Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

      A . Winter can be fun if you find interesting things to do. B . Australian kids enjoy having ice cream on winter days. C . The writer thinks it's great fun to clean your house and decorate it. D . The northern and southern parts of the Earth have different winter months.
