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  • 1. (2020·盐都模拟) 阅读理解

        The clock struck twelve.

        Scrooge looked around him for the Ghost, but he couldn't see it. Then he remembered old Jacob Marley's prediction. He lifted his eyes, and he saw a serious Ghost. The ghost wore a black robe (长袍). The robe covered its head, its face and its body. The only thing visible was a hand. The ghost neither spoke nor moved. Scrooge was terrified.

        "Are you the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?" asked Scrooge.

        The Ghost didn't answer, but it pointed its hand in front of it.

        "You are going to show me the future," Scrooge continued. "Am I right, Ghost?"

        The Ghost nodded its head. That was the only answer Scrooge received.

        "Ghost of the Future," he said, "I'm more afraid of you than of all the other ghosts. But because I want to be a better man, I will go with you. Please, speak to me."

        It didn't reply. The hand pointed straight in front of them.

        "Lead on!" said Scrooge.

        The Ghost moved forwards. Scrooge followed in the shadow of its robe. And the robe carried him along. The city suddenly appeared around them. There they were, in the heart of it. The Ghost stopped beside some businessmen at the Stock (股票) Exchange. Its hand was pointing to them, so Scrooge listened to their conversation.

        "I only know he's dead," said a great fat man.

        "When did he die?" asked another.

        "Last night, I think."

        "What was the matter with him?" asked a third.

        "God knows " said the first, with a yawn.

        "What has he done with his money?" asked a red-faced gentleman.

        "I don't know," said the great fat man, yawning again. "He hasn't left it to me. That's all I know."

        Everybody laughed.

        "It will be a very small funeral (葬礼)," said the great fat man. "I don't think anybody will go to it."

        Scrooge knew the men. And he looked towards the Ghost for an explanation. He didn't understand why this conversation was important. But he knew it must be.

        Scrooge looked around the place. He looked at the clock. It was strange. He was usually there at this time, but he couldn't see himself.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "terrified" in the passage probably mean?
      A . excited B . bored C . surprised D . scared
    2. (2) What did Mr. Scrooge ask the Ghost to show him?
      A . His past. B . His present. C . His future. D . His funeral.
    3. (3) Why did Mr. Scrooge follow the Ghost all the way?
      A . Because he was too afraid to say no. B . Because he wanted to be a better man. C . Because he was curious about his future. D . Because he wanted it to give him an explanation.
    4. (4) How did the businessmen feel about the dead man?
      A . They didn't take pity on him. B . They felt sad about his death. C . They showed great respect for him. D . They felt very happy for having his money.
    5. (5) What can you infer (推断) from the passage?
      A . The Ghost didn't appear until 12 o'clock. B . The dead man would probably be Mr. Scrooge himself. C . Scrooge knew those businessmen at the Stock Exchange. D . The Ghost would explain all the things in detail to Scrooge later.
