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  • 1. (2020高一下·启东期末) 阅读理解

        I remember that every Saturday night Mama would sit down by the kitchen table and count out the money Papa had brought home in the little envelope.

        “For the rent.” Mama would say, counting out the big silver pieces.

        “For the groceries.” Another pile of coins.

        “Teacher says this week I'll need a notebook.” That would be my sister Christine, my brother Nels or me. Mama would put one or two coins to the side.

        We would watch with anxious interest. At last, Papa would ask,” Is that all?” When Mama nodded, we could relax a little. Mama would look up and smile,” Good. We do not have to go to the Bank downtown.” We were all so proud of Mama's Bank Account. It gave us such a warm, secure feeling. No one else we knew had money in a big bank downtown.

        I remember when the Jensens down the street were put out because they couldn't pay their rent. We children watched the big strange men carry out the furniture, ignoring the tears of Mrs. Jensens. “Might this, could this, happen to us?”

        “We have a Bank Account.” Mama comforted me calmly, and suddenly I could breathe again.

        Whatever happened, we always knew we still had the Bank to depend upon.

        That was twenty years ago. Last year I sold my first story. When the check came, I hurried over to Mama's and put it in her lap.” For you, I said,” to put in your Bank Account.” I noticed for the first time how old Mama and Papa looked. Papa seemed shorter, and Mama's hair was silver now.

        Mama fingered the check and looked at Papa.” Good,” she said, and her eyes were proud.

        “Tomorrow,” I told Mama, “you must take it to the Bank.”

        “You will go with me, Katrin? But...” Mama stopped for a moment and looked at me.

        “There is no account,” she continued. “In all my life, I've never been inside a bank.”

        And when I didn't-couldn't-answer, Mama said seriously. “It is not good for little ones to be afraid-to not feel secure.”

    1. (1) What can we learn about the family twenty years ago?
      A . They lived downtown. B . They were badly in debt. C . They had money in the bank. D . They were careful with money.
    2. (2) What happened to the Jensens made the children feel      
      A . ashamed B . disappointed C . worried D . amazed
    3. (3) What did Mama hesitate about at the end of the story?
      A . How to comfort her child. B . How to spend the money. C . Whether to tell the truth. D . Whether to go to the Bank.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
      A . My first check B . Mama's Bank Account C . Sense of security D . Struggle for better life
