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  • 1. (2020高一下·启东期末) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,把正确答案填涂在答题卡上。

        Charlie was a little boy of five years. The teachers often praised him because of his intelligence and good 1to all.

        But there was one boy in the class who 2 Charlie! His name was Bill and he was a very 3boy. Finding Charlie quiet, he started 4 Charlie in public, like eating Charlie' s lunch and making 5about Charlie in a cruel way.

        The days went by and the time came for the sports meeting. Charlie was also good at sports and he 6a number of events. Bill also took part in sack race(套袋赛跑), 7 he could not run very fast 8 his fat body. When Bill saw that Charlie won the 1st prizes in 100 meters and 200 meters, he9 him and decided that he would not let it happen in the sack race too.

        Bill tried to10 Charlie while running on the tracks of sack race, as 11But he lost his own12and fell down! He could not stand up himself, for his13 was badly injured. When Charlie turned back to see that Bill was14 to get up, he gave up the race and ran to help the 15 boy!

        Charlie also took him to the school 16, who treated Bill's knee injuries.” You 17 this sack race only because of me!” said Bill, after coming out of doctor's room.

        “My Mom has 18 me that helping a friend is more important than winning a race.” answered Charlie.

        Bill was very touched at this reply and 19 for his rudeness. He also decided that he would try to be good like Charlie. After that day, Charlie and Bill became best friends! This shows that act of 20 can change everyone to a good person.

    A . luck B . behavior C . chance D . advice
    A . impressed B . pleased C . replaced D . disliked
    A . anxious B . competitive C . horrible D . sensitive
    A . embarrassing B . praising C . deserting D . understanding
    A . preparations B . decisions C . remarks D . promises
    A . watched out for B . signed up for C . reached out for D . made up for
    A . because B . unless C . when D . though
    A . apart from B . due to C . regardless of D . rather than
    A . envied B . delighted C . consulted D . betrayed
    A . tolerate B . blame C . persuade D . push
    A . recorded B . mentioned C . announced D . planned
    A . race B . direction C . balance D . will
    A . leg B . back C . arm D . head
    A . struggling B . pretending C . hesitating D . waiting
    A . skillful B . confused C . painful D . determined
    A . headmaster B . guard C . teacher D . doctor
    A . designed B . lost C . directed D . finished
    A . warned B . ordered C . taught D . comforted
    A . apologized B . complained C . forgave D . argued
    A . devotion B . kindness C . honesty D . mercy
