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  • 1. (2020高一下·滨州期末) 阅读理解

        I'd been retired for four years, when a friend suggested university. I thought he was joking -I was rubbish at school and failed my 11 plus. But we love to compete over Mastermind and University challenge, and he thought I'd make it. And he was absolutely right!

        I did a foundation course first, which was part time at the University Lifelong Learning Centre (LLC), two nights a week and the odd Saturday. I did quite well, and that gave me the confidence to do a full time, three year degree. I'm passionate about art, and I always wanted to be here for the journey and not the destination. That sounds really corny, but it was the truth in my case.

        Initially it was a bit strange fitting in with my course mates. They were all 18, straight out of sixth form or college. Over time, though, they've all been fine -now, we all get on really well and there is no issue. I've made plenty of friends 'm a member of the mature students society, and I do some volunteering through the LLC, chatting to prospective students about my experience of coming to university. I tell them my story and basically encourage them to give it a go you've got nothing to lose. I like to think I've convinced a few of them.

        I have no regrets at all. Enrolling in university was the best piece of advice I've received in years, especially post- retirement. I needed routine in my life;I needed purpose. I'm not going to spend my day in the bookies or the pub, If you've got a passion for something, you should pursue it.

    1. (1) What do we learn from Paragraph 1?
      A . The author often competed with his friend at university, B . The author was satisfied with his performance at school, C . The advice of his friend was a big challenge for the author. D . The author's friend told a joke when suggesting university.
    2. (2) What was it that made him determined to pursue a full time degree?
      A . His long held passion for art. B . His boring retirement life. C . His success in the foundation course. D . His desire to travel to the destination.
    3. (3) What is Panagraph 3 maitly about?
      A . How he got along with his course mates B . How be helped his friends at university. C . What activities be took part in at school D . What be experienced 2 a volunteer.
    4. (4) Which of the following can serve as the title of the passage?
      A . Knowledge is power. B . It's never too old to learn. C  Failure is the mother of success. D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
