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  • 1. (2020高二下·南通期末) 阅读理解

    Selected films for International Children's Day

        International Children's Day is around the corner and we have selected two children's movies for you to enjoy this special day with your kids. Free online access to the films will be available for a limited period of time, and feel free to pick them up. The films are provided by www.1905.com.

    A Journey to the Seaside

        A driver, Shen Tong, played by actor Sha Yi, receives an order sending an 8-year-old boy and his dog from Beijing to Zhoushan in Zhejiang Province. Shen unwillingly accepts the order just for the payment. On the way, he and the boy go through many experiences together, which changes their attitudes. At the end of the journey, Shen finds there might be some relations between him and the boy. This is a journey that cures two lonely hearts-one of an adult, the other a child.

        Click here to watch the film www.1905.com/vod/play/1451546.shtml.

    Running Like Wind

        Adapted from a true story, this inspiring film tells a tale of a group of girls from the Li ethnic group who never played soccer before, but who manage to realize a soccer dream with tears and laughter after overcoming all sorts of difficulties.

        The film is full of conflicts between tradition and modernity, and apart from displaying sportsmanship and youthful energy, it also stresses the significance of friendship.

        Click here to watch the film www.1905.com/vod/play/1458181.shtml.

    1. (1) What is special about the selected films?
      A . They are selected by parents. B . They are intended for children. C . They are free online at any time. D . They are available at the cinema.
    2. (2) In A Journey to the Seaside,the driver and the boy.
      A . turn out to be relatives B . are freed from loneliness C . bargain over the payment D . abandon the dog on the way
    3. (3) What do we know about the girl players in Running Like Wind?
      A . They like crying and laughing. B . They often come into conflicts. C . They make their dream a reality. D . They stress their personal value.
