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  • 1. (2020高二下·商洛期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        A mail carrier nicknamed (绰号)“Mailman kyle” is delivering supplies for the elderly along his route. Kyle West, also known as “Mailman Kyle”, has been 1 essential items like milk and toilet paper to 2 people on his mail route.

        West said a lot of people along his route are elderly and are 3 to go out in public. “One of my customers came out and 4 me to get him toilet paper. From then, I 5 that some people just can't do it themselves 6,” he said. 7 started sending the people on his route a different kind of 8. It says, “If you are at risk and need help getting 9 items, let me know. I will do 10 I can to help you,” He 11 the letter “Mailman Kyle” and wrote his phone number.

        “The results has been a lot more than I 12,” West said. “I delivered nearly 400 of those letters and I've 13something from almost every person.” As a mail carrier in Ohio, West is delivering more than 14 these days.

        But West says he doesn't want anything in return for his 15 effort. “Seeing a lot of my 16 putting on suits to just get essential items. I figured if I'm already there, it won't hurt me to 17 what they need,” he said happily.

        We should try our best to help others just like Kyle West. As the saying 18, those who help others would get 19 from others in return. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you 20 it.

    A . putting off B . dropping off C . taking off D . turning off
    A . young B . friendly C . elderly D . disabled
    A . afraid B . forced C . willing D . determined
    A . forced B . taught C . allowed D . asked
    A . remembered B . realized C . promised D . predicted
    A . importantly B . carefully C . necessarily D . conveniently
    A . However B . Otherwise C . Therefore D . Suddenly
    A . letter B . greeting C . book D . message
    A . essential B . large C . dangerous D . expensive
    A . why B . how C . which D . what
    A . drew B . watched C . signed D . sent
    A . ignored B . expected C . controlled D . compared
    A . heard B . bought C . borrowed D . saved
    A . drink B . milk C . food D . mail
    A . real B . extra C . same D . right
    A . members B . neighbors C . customers D . colleagues
    A . consider B . reject C . understand D . bring
    A . goes B . writes C . suggests D . reads
    A . comfort B . help C . thank D . happy
    A . claim B . enjoy C . take D . share
