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  • 1. (2020高二下·绍兴期末) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

       Growing up my parents and older brothers all smoked. Being a child of the 80s, it was normal for the adults to be smoking inside and during trips in the car. There just wasn't the same awareness of the dangers of second-hand smoke exposure that there is today.

    I remember the day when I started smoking. I was 11. I was trying to impress one of the "bad boys" at school. I stole tobacco from my father and rather clumsily rolled acigarette that I took to school with me. Smoking gave me a sense of autonomy and choice over my own life, and at 11 it was the ultimate act of rebellion. Soon I got addicted to it and was taking cigarettes from dad's packets on a regular basis. I knew he never started counting them until he had less than half a pack left.

       After a while I got caught smoking at school. My parents struck a deal with me: if I stopped smoking at school, they wouldpurchase more tobaccos for me to smoke at home. This was perhaps a misguided attempt to keep me out of trouble. Ijumped at the idea, and simply got smarter about smoking at school.

       Ismoked right through my teens and early 20s, spending thousands of dollars on cigarettes, sacrificing food and other necessities to ensure I had cigarettes.

       I tried many methods toquit, but each time I would go back to smoking. I have always had a love-hate relationship with cigarettes. On the one hand, they were a friend to me when I had no other, one constant in my life I could rely on. On the other hand, I despised (鄙视) being dependent on something that was going to kill me.

       I grewconcerned about the effect my smoking would have on my children and I felt guilty putting cigarettes over other things that could have benefited my family. It is with great shame that I admit that I continued smoking even after having a daughter born with cystic fibrosis (囊性纤维). My daughter fights every day to breathe — and here I was intentionally causing damage to my lungs.






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    The turning point for me was an incredibly painful experience. ……

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    I set myself further little goals, such as only taking my e-cigarettes whenever I went. ……
