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        Illegal(违法的) driving is really dangerous. It may cause traffic accidents, even deaths. It's reported that thousands of people die from illegal driving each year. Many countries are trying their best to control it. France, for example, has made some strict rules and laws to stop it.

        People are warned not to eat while driving. Any driver who is caught eating while at the wheel will be stopped by the police. Then he will be fined up to £50 for it.

        Drivers are not allowed to read a map, make a phone call or listen to very loud music while driving. Besides it is against the rules for the motorists to use any kind of earphones. Things change easily on the road. Drivers never know what will happen next.

        From July 2 on, it will be illegal to smoke when there is a child aged 12 or under in the car. Smoking is also banned(禁止) outdoors at children's play areas, including those at motorway rest areas. Notices in several languages have been put up at motorway service stations to warn foreign visitors of the rules.

        Driving after drinking can put people in danger. All the drivers are asked to carry alcohol breath test equipment(酒精测试仪) in their cars. Anyone who breaks the rule will be punished.

    1. (1) Which country has made some strict rules and laws to stop illegal driving in this passage?
      A . We don't know. B . America. C . Many countries. D . France.
    2. (2) The underlined words “be fined" here probably mean “_________________”。
      A . pay money as a punishment B . get money as a prize C . find money D . make money
    3. (3) How can foreign visitors know the rules against smoking?
      A . By reading the newspaper. B . By reading the notices. C . By asking the local people. D . By listening to the radio.
    4. (4) The writer writes the article to _________________ in France.
      A . introduce the rules and laws against illegal driving B . discuss the rules against driving after drinking C . tell drivers not to make a phone call while driving D . talk about traffic accidents
