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        Nellie Bly was a newspaper reporter in New York. When she read the book Around the World in Eighty Days, she thought she would make her own trip and1it in less than 80 days.

        In 1889, a trip around the world was much2than it is today. There were no planes. There were only trains and ships. However, Nellie Bly made up her mind to travel around the world, and her manager3.

        On November 14, 1889, Bly4New York City on a ship. On the first night, a terrible storm hit the ship. Bly was seasick (晕船的) and she5if she had made a wise decision. But the world was watching and she couldn't6.

        Bly wrote newspaper stories about the food she ate, the7people wore, and the different cultures she met. Thousands of people around the world read about Bly's8in the papers.

        Bly9San Francisco with 12 days left. She got on a train and travelled around the country in 4 days. On January 25, 1890, she10to New York City. Bly had travelled around the world in 72 days. It was a new world record!

    A . damage B . play C . do
    A . harder B . quieter C . wider
    A . offered B . explored C . agreed
    A . filled B . chose C . left
    A . realized B . wondered C . wanted
    A . turn back B . copy down C . come along
    A . glasses B . tents C . clothes
    A . things B . trips C . thoughts
    A . reached B . required C . got
    A . came B . returned C . left
