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  • 1. (2019九上·福州月考) 阅读理解

        You are visiting the Eiffel Tower in France, but the next second you are in Thailand. Then, suddenly you may have dinner with Barack Obama in America. But you are not dreaming. This is what might happen in the near future. With the help of virtual reality(Vr,虚拟现实) technology, lots of changes are taking place in our life.

        VR is a computer technology that makes an environment and allows users to see and even interact with it. Just wear a pair of VR glasses joined to your computer and you can experience a lot of things without stepping out of your room. "The most interesting part of virtual reality is that it offers an immersive(身临其境的)experience," said Wang Bing, leader ,leader of the Chinese entertainment company Funshow.  "That's why VR movies are popular among users. You become a part of the story. "According to the Report on Chinese VR Users' Behaviour last month, over 960, 000 people in China have bought VR products and 83. 2 percent of them have watched VR movies.

        VR can also be used in some other ways. It can help to train workers before they have to work in highly dangerous environments. VR also helps patients with acrophobia(恐高症) by making them think they are standing on the top of a tall building.

        However, VR technology still has a long way to go. Users report feeling sick while wearing VR glasses. Maybe it could take a period of time for VR to be widely used around the world.

    1. (1) With a pair of VR    ,users can experience many things at home.
      A . eyes B . shoes C . glasses D . ears
    2. (2) VR movies are very popular because they make the users         .
      A . become much healthier B . stand on the top of a building C . become a part of the story D . work in dangerous environments
    3. (3) About      Chinese users have watched VR movies.
      A . 800 thousand B . 700 thousand C . 8 million D . 7 million
    4. (4) To be widely used, VR glasses must solve the problem of        .
      A . making people feel sick B . providing an unreal environment C . costing too much money D . taking long time to join to the computer
    5. (5) The best title of the passage may be        .
      A . Traveling with VR B . VR Changes Our Life C . VR Movies Get Popular D . VR Needs to Be Developed
