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  • 1. 语法选择

    Jenny and Laura are friends. They are walking to1 clothes shop. They want 2 new clothes. Jane3 twenty dollars and Laura4has twenty dollars.

    Now Jane and Laura are 5 the shop. Jane says, "Laura!6 at that beautiful skirt! I want it. 7 it's twenty-five dollars."

    Laura says, "What are you talking 8? This is not a nice skirt! It is just terrible!

    "Oh, oh …"Jane says sadly.

    Then Laura says, "Jane! Look! This sweater is9 ! I want it. Oh, but the price is too high10 me."

    Jane says, "11 do you think it is beautiful? 12 not a nice sweater! It is really terrible!

    Now Jane is sad, and Laura is sad, too. They are walking13. They have no new clothes, but as friends, they 14 that next time they should respect(尊重)each15 opinions(意见).

    A . a B . an C . the D . /
    A . buy B . to buy C . buying D . to buying
    A . have B . had C . has D . having
    A . also B . either C . as well D . too
    A . on B . to C . of D . in
    A . Look B . Looking C . To look D . Looks
    A . And B . But C . Or D . So
    A . with B . to C . about D . for
    A . beauty B . beautiful C . beautifully D . beautify
    A . of B . at C . for D . by
    A . Why B . When C . Where D . Who
    A . It B . It's C . Its D . Is
    A . to home B . at home C . home D . for home
    A . know B . knows C . knew D . knowing
    A . others B . other C . others' D . other's
