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  • 1. (2020·瑶海模拟) 阅读理解

        Toys and games are fun, but inventing them is serious business. Big toy companies treat it even more serious, because the more toys they sell, the more money they make. They have adults who do nothing but think up new toys. Sometimes they even work in locked rooms so no one can steal their ideas!

        But not every new toy is invented that way. Some of the best inventions are made by kids.

        Thirteen- year old Casey Golden loved to play golf (高尔夫). He invented a way to make the game more fun. He Invented a new golf tee (球座). It is called the Bio tees Most golf tees are made from wood, but Casey's tee is made out of recycled paper. It does not harm the environment. Casey started his own company to make his new tee. He's already had orders for millions of them.

        Jessica Peach invented a toy when she was only eight. Jessica likes to jump rope. She jumps alone and she jumps with friends. To jump alone, you need a short rope. With friends, you need a long rope. So Jessica invented a new kind of jump rope. The length of Jessica s jump rope can be modified. It can be made long to jump with friends. Or it can be made short to jump alone. When you are done jumping, you can even turn the jump rope into a belt (带子), Now Jessica has a business to sell her jump ropes.

        Do you have a great idea for a new invention? Give your idea a try. It may become the next Biotee or latest jump ropes.

    1. (1) In big toy companies, ___________ is serious business.
      A . playing games B . inventing toys C . locking rooms D . stealing ideas
    2. (2) The Biotee ______________.
      A . was invented by a 13-year-old girl B . is harmful to the environment C . is not different from most golf tees D . is made out of recycled paper
    3. (3) Paragraph 4 is mainly about______________.
      A . the best inventions made by kids B . Jessica Peach's favorite activity C . Jessica Peach and the latest jump rope D . Casey Golden and the new golf tee
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "modified" in Paragraph 4 mean?
      A . 调整 B . 忽略 C . 估计 D . 确定
