I was called into the principal's office but I had no idea what I had done wrong. When I arrived, my brother Brian was there. He had been 1. Brian grasped my hand and said, “Amanda has been in a car accident.”
Every inch of my body went 2 as I realized what he had said. My sister was injured. One question sounded over and over in my head--how 3 this have happened? 4 she was only 17, Amanda was one of the safest drivers I knew. I felt shocked and terrified.
My brother and I 5 immediately for the hospital my sister was in. When we arrived, my sister's face was 6 from the eyebrows up and you could see blood everywhere. She was 7 to several machines. My mom and dad stood at her side crying.
My sister looked up at me with blood-filled eyes, where I expected to see fear, I saw 8 She said to me, “I love you, Rence.” I suddenly realized how 9 I tell my sister I love her. I tried to 10 her, but she wasn't listening any more, because some doctors were taking her away to the x-ray room.
As they 11 my sister I wanted to scream out, but I couldn't. I couldn't move, speak or even cry until she was around the corner. Then the 12 came.
Though everyone kept telling me she would be 13, something made me worried. Every moment that passed allowed the doubt in my mind to grow 14. Finally, the doctor walked down the hall and stood quietly in front of us. It was then 15 the long-awaited words came. Amanda was going to be okay.
My heart leaped as I realized I 16 had a sister. She would need a lot of plastic surgery (整容手术), but she was17
A year later, even though my sister and I quarrel sometimes, every time I see her face and 18 the large scar that stretches across it, I remember to tell her that I 19 her. I remember when I almost didn't have the 20 to tell her again how much I love her.363