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  • 1. (2019高二上·滕州期中) 阅读理解

    Having your nose in a book might seem a little anti-social at times—but reading could actually make you a kinder, more considerate person, a study has found. Readers were more likely to act in a socially acceptable manner, while those who preferred watching television came across as less friendly and less understanding of others' views, researchers said.

    123 participants in the study were quizzed on their preferences for books, TV and plays at Kingston University, London. They were then tested on how much they considered people's feelings and whether they acted to help others. Researchers told the British Psychological Society conference in Brighton yesterday that fiction fans showed more positive social behavior.

    Readers of drama and romance novels were also empathetic, while lovers of experimental books showed the ability to see things from different directions. Comedy fans scored the highest for relating to others. The study suggested reading allows people to see different points of view enabling them to understand others better.

    The researchers added, "Exposure to fiction relates to a range of empathetic abilities. Engaging with fictional prose and comedy in particular could be key to improving people's empathetic abilities."

    However, the authors warned the study did not prove cause-and-effect. So it could be that reading causes positive behavior, or it could be that thoughtful, well-mannered people are more likely to prefer reading. So it is a good idea to pick up a book to begin your travel with the author. Each author will show how they would react to certain situations through their characters. Everyone can view the same situation differently, and from 1,001 different angles. The more you read, the much better you can understand other peoples' opinions.

    1. (1) Why did the writer mention the result of watching television?
      A . The writer is a anti-social reporter. B . The writer shows benefits of reading. C . The writer is a considerate person. D . The writer becomes socially acceptable.
    2. (2) What were the participants tested on?
      A . The skills of communicating. B . The time of reading books. C . The places of getting new books. D . The ways of expressing feelings.
    3. (3) Who can observe differently?
      A . Readers of drama. B . Writers of romance novels. C . Readers of comedy. D . Readers of experiments.
