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  • 1. (2019七上·石家庄期中) 阅读理解,阅读下面的材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项

    Do you have a pen friend? If your answer is “No”, do you want to have one? Now let me tell you how to get a pen friend. There are usually three steps(步骤)here.

    The first step is saying “Hello!?” or “How do you do?”. In this step  you and your new friend say hello to each other and tell each other your names.

    The second step is talking. You can talk about your ages, your families, your favorites or other(其他)interesting things.

    The third step is leave -talking. In this step, you can tell your new friend that you are happy to talk to him or her. Before( ……前)you say goodbye to each other, you can also say“Can we be pen friends?”or “Would you like to be my pen friend?”

    1. (1) There are______steps mentioned(被提及)in the passage.
      A . two B . three C . four D . five
    2. (2) _______is the first step.
      A . Telling your pen friends your favorites B . Telling your pen pal you're happy C . Saying hello to each other D . Talking about ages
    3. (3) What does “leave- talking”mean(意思)?
      A . Visiting your pen friend's house. B . Meeting your pen friend. C . Talking with your pen friend. D . Saying goodbye.
    4. (4) This passage is about how to______.
      A . meet your pen friend B . talk to you pen friend C . have a pen friend D . write to your pen friend
