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  • 1. (2019八上·邛崃期中) 完形填空

    I live in Delhi, India. It is a very old city 1 a history of more than 2,000 years. It is also a very large city with two parts — Old Delhi and New Delhi.

    Delhi is a big business (商业) center. There are lots of stores and supermarkets. And a lot of 2 from all over the world come here to do business. Delhi is also a (n)3 center. There are many great schools with quite a few students studying in them.

    New people come here every day, 4 Delhi becomes bigger and bigger. Traffic jams (交通拥堵) are very 5 in Delhi because the roads are not wide (宽阔的) enough for so many people and cars. There are always lots of people 6 the buses at bus stops.

    The houses are very 7 there. Many people live in the neighborhood around the city. Most of them have to get up very early in the morning, and 8 get home very late in the evening. It is really hard for them to live such a life.

    Now people in Delhi 9 to make more roads and houses. They are trying to make the city a 10 place to live in.

    A . in B . at C . with
    A . writers B . dentists C . traders
    A . educational B . sports C . shopping
    A . so B . because C . although
    A . successful B . common C . large
    A . laughing at B . waiting for C . caring about
    A . fantastic B . cheap C . expensive
    A . never B . usually C . hardly
    A . plan B . seem C . dream
    A . better B . prettier C . richer
