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  • 1. (2019八上·邛崃期中) 在空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。把答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。

    A: Good morning, Jack!

    B: Morning, Mary. Oh, you didn'tat Jenny's birthday party last night? Why? She is your best friend, isn't she?

    A: So she was, but not any more.

    B: What?

    A: The day before yesterday, I used her iPad to watch a cartoon after class. I was so careless that it dropped and. You know what she did to me? She shouted at me and pushed (推) me down on the floor.

    B: Did you say sorry to her?

    A: Of course. I did.around was surprised and I was embarrassed.

    B: I think she is regretful (后悔的) about what she did and you need to have a talk.

    A: I can'twhat she did and I don't want to be friends with her anymore.

    B: She did do something wrong, but anyone can make mistakes (错误). Just think of the happy days you.

    A: Maybe you are right. I'll consider (考虑) that.

    B: What did you do last night?

    A: I stayed at home and watched TV.

    B: Did you watch America's Got Talent? I missed it last night.

    A: No. In fact, I watching talent shows. They are meaningless and I can expect to learn nothing, I think.

    B: What kind of TV shows do you like?

    A: I likeprograms because I can know what is happening around the world. I also watched a program about how to learn Chinese.

    A: Such programs usually makes me. I always want to sleep every time I watch them.

    B: I want to visit China by myself next year. I think learning some Chinese is.

    A: You're talented in language learning. I think you can learn some Chinese quickly.

    B: Thanks.
