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  • 1. (2019高一上·滕州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    It was Mother's Day, but I knew there would be no celebration for me. I was a mother of a very active two-year-old and my husband was a Captain of a Navy ship. That morning I had been up early and had already taken several phone calls from both Navy wives and other people needing to be comforted. After one phone call, I leaned back in my chair, and said, "Dear God, I am hustling to be a blessing to others, but what about me? Is there anything for me today?"

    At that very moment the telephone rang. It was the voice of a little girl who said, "Miss Stephanie I've been thinking of you!" It took my breath away! I had known this girl from another city, but at that moment it was to me the voice of God! I greatly valued the thoughtfulness of the little one and her family who knew my husband was out. But even greater than their kindness, I felt deeply touched by the timing of the call and felt that precious voice spoke to me of God's great love for me.

    There have been many Mother's Days since that one, but none so special, so deeply moving, so tenderly comforting. I will never forget the feel of knowing how loved I was, and that I would never be forgotten.

    In the United States and elsewhere, Mother's Day has become synonymous(与…同义)with lots of human expectations. If we're not careful, the fulfillment of these clichés can become a false standard for feeling loved, and a heavy burden on our family. When I think of that Mother's Day long ago, tears come to my eyes, but not out of sadness. I rejoice(庆幸)in the profound love and caring I felt and still feel to this day. This experience helps me see that love hugs everyone, and that makes my heart sing for us all!

    1. (1) How did the writer feel after comforting others on Mother's Day?
      A . Comfortable. B . Disappointed. C . Anxious. D . Energetic.
    2. (2) What conclusion can we draw from the last paragraph?
      A . Mother's Day has become not so important in the United States. B . The fulfillment of human expectations will never be a heavy burden. C . The writer was always moved to tears on every Mother's Day. D . That Mother's Day long ago had a positive influence on the writer's life.
    3. (3) What can be a suitable title for the passage?
      A . A Call from a Little Girl. B . A Memorable Mother's Day. C . God's Great Love for Everyone. D . A Mother's Day Long Time Ago.
