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  • 1. (2020六上·江阴期末) 十年前,Linda是一个小女孩。和她的父母住在英国。她不会说中文,也不会在网上看新闻。但是,现在她一名学生了。她在澳门学习。她喜欢收集旧东西,并且再利用他们做许多其他的东西。她将做一个关于“环保”的课题,你愿意加入她吗?

    Ten years , Linda a little girl, she in the UK with her parents. She couldn't Chinese, she couldn't watch on the Internet either. But now she's a student. She in Macau. She likes old things and reuses them to make many things. She's to a project about "Environment". Would you like to join her?
