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  • 1. (2019八上·汕头期中) 请阅读一篇有关“如何与朋友相处”的短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。

    Everyone needs friends from a kid to an old. Friends can bring us happiness and hope. But some people don't think that it is easy to get on well with friends. Here are some secrets to get on well with others.

    ●Be confident about yourself. You should believe in yourself and know that you have some advantages and talents that others may like.

    ●Be ready to share something interesting or something nice with others. When you are with your friends, think of something interesting or something similar to it that you can share with them to break the silence.

    ●Be humorous(幽默). Learn to laugh at yourself and your weakness. It is not easy at first. But keep trying hard, and you will make it. You can try in front of your parents first. On the other hand, you can collect some funny stories. Everyone likes a friend who makes them happy.

    ●Respect others. Respect is one of the most important secrets of getting on with friends. First, learn to listen to others' opinions and learn some proper ways to express your own thoughts. Second, keep the secrets of your friends, especially some personal information.

    ●Be kind to others. Others will be kind to you as long as you are kind to them. So keep doing the right things and always get ready to help others. In this way, you will make some true friends and your friends will truly care about you.

    Everything is difficult at the beginning. Try hard and never give up. You will make it to have good friends as well as true friends from the primary school till the end of your life.

    Information Card

    The number of the secrets mentioned in the passage to help to get on well with friends

    The reason why you think of something interesting when you are with your friends

    The way to show your humor when facing your weakness

    The thing we should do to respect our friends when they are expressing their opinions

    The main idea of this passage
