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  • 1. (2019八上·永吉期中) 阅读短文,在空格中填入恰当的词语,不限词数。

    Keep More Food on the Table

    It's said that in some parts of the world, people are facing the problem of hunger. So what can we do to help them? Here are some suggestions:

    Cook from the fridge

    Start with the fresh foods. If you have some in the fridge, use them first. Make a meal with what you have got instead of running out to the supermarket for something else.

    Learn to read the labels

    "Best-before" and "use-by" dates are more important. Learn to know the different periods of foods and know how to cook them in the right way. For example, black bananas are proper for baking. Fresh vegetables are good in soups, and bread that is not fresh can be turned into small pieces.

    Use the freezer(冷冻室)

    The freezer can keep foods fresh until you are ready to cook them, and store the cooked foods until you're ready to eat them. It's also the best place for the remaining food. Mark the date of the food nearby, so it's easy to find the foods you need to cat first and you will never leave them there for too long.

    Shop with a list

    Plan meals ahead of time so that you know exactly what to buy. Doing this helps reduce food waste because it's possible to buy too much of a certain food and then forget to cat or cook it later.

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    Some people are facing the problem of hunger.

    Cook from the fridge

    It's a good idea to use the foods that you have first, especially the

    foods in the fridge.

    Learn to read the labels

    It's important to know "best-before" and "use-by" dates of different foods and cooking them

    Use the freezer

    The freezer should be used to keep foods fresh and the cooked food.

    Shop with a list

    It's necessary to plan meals ahead of time and shop with a list to reduce food
