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  • 1. (2020八上·空港经济期末) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    John lived alone in the countryside after his wife's death. He was very happy when his grandchildren him during summer holidays.

    Once, he cleaned the whole house to welcome his grandchildren. While he was cleaning the barn (谷仓), he lost his watch. It was gift from his wife. When his grandchildren came, they found that their grandfather was very . They asked him what was wrong. John told them that he couldn't find his . The children wanted to help him. They asked John when he last saw his watch. John remembered that the last time he it, he was cleaning the barn. The children searched two hours, but couldn't find anything.

    Then, one of the children asked the others to leave and said he would look for the watch by . Several minutes later, the child brought the watch back. John and other children wanted to know how he did it. The boy said, "I sat in the barn. After a few minutes, I heard a ‘'tick-tick' sound found the watch." John hugged (拥抱) the boy and him.

    That is the power of silence. If we stay quiet, we can find solutions (应对措施) more easily.
