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  • 1. (2020九上·越城月考) 阅读下面短文,从方框中找出每段的中心句,与每一段落匹配起来。

        Maybe you think of yourself as a good friend, but are you really? If you're not sure, it's time to think about what makes a true friend.

        Good friend is busy but still manages to make time for your friends. He does not see friendships as a waste of time, or something to pay attention to only when he needs a favour.

        Always be ready to listen to what the other person is telling you, even if sometimes it makes you uncomfortable.

        Nothing ends a friendship faster than abandoning (抛弃) a friend in need.

         When it seems like no one in your life will tell you the truth, your friend will have your back.

        A true friend doesn't gossip(说闲话) behind your back. When he doesn't agree with you, it's done in a respectful way that is meant for you both to come to an understanding.

    A. Be respectful.

    B .Be ready to listen.

    C. Be honest.

    D. Be there when your friend needs help.

    E. Time for friends.
