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  • 1. (2020·长春一模) 根据对话内容运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。

    A: Can I help you, sir?

    B: Yes. 

    A: There's a store on Center Street. You can buy one there.

    B: Thanks. Your English is quite good.

    A: By the way, are you working here in Beijing?

    B: No. I'm not. I've come for the football game this weekend.

    A: Oh, so you are a player. Welcome to Beijing

    B: Oh, no, no. I'm not a player. I'm just a football fan.

    A: Me too.

    B: Two weeks. I've visited some places of interest.

    A: What do you think of Beijing?

    B:Friendly people, delicious food and. Oh, I just love the city.

    A: I'm so glad you love my city.

    B: Thanks. Nice to talk to you. Goodbye!

    A: Me, too. Goodbye.

    A. Thank you.

    B. Where can I buy a map of Beijing?

    C. It's a very beautiful city.

    D. Is there a post office near here?

    E. I hope you will have a nice time this weekend.

    F. How long have you been here?
