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  • 1. (2019九上·房县期中) 阅读短文,根据其内容,完成下列任务

    “I'm so busy with my study. ① .我甚至没有足够的时间吃早饭 .” said Zhang Li, a middle school student. Do you have the    A   problem as Zhang Li? However, missing breakfast could add your risk of heart problem by 87 percent, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Iowa analyzed 18 years of data on 6,550 people over 40 years old who had no history of heart problems.

    They were given regular surveys    B    included the question. "how often do you eat breakfast?" Most (59 percent) ate breakfast every day, but 5.1 percent never did, 10.9 percent seldom did, and 25 percent would miss for a few days.The team found that breakfast habits were connected with heart disease. (心脏病) Those who didn't eat in the morning were up to 87 percent more likely to develop heart problems.

    "It's believed that an, important, day, breakfast, the, is, meal, of, but there has been an increasing prevalence(普遍)of missing breakfast over the past 50 years in he United States, with as many as 23.8 percent of young people missing breakfast every day." the researchers said "However, studies on the health effects of missing breakfast are rare."

    The team pointed out a few factors which could underlie this connection. ③Firstly, those who don't have breakfast may be more likely to eat unhealthy snacks. Secondly, breakfast may help to balance blood sugar levels and control blood pressure. The findings were published on the American College of Cardiology. Some days later a similar study showed people who missed breakfast and ate a late dinner were less likely to survive a heart attack. And Borja Ibanez, a doctor of medicine, also pointed out those who didn't eat breakfast were more likely to smoke, be lack of exercise, and drink alcohol.

    As for us teenagers, what are your opinions on breakfast? Do you think breakfast is important for us?

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      It's believed that.

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