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  • 1. (2019九上·邛崃期中) 阅读理解

    Speaking English fluently (流畅地) might be difficult for you now. But all you need are the right methods and confidence (自信). I have prepared some advice for you.

    Stop Being a Student

    Stop thinking of yourself as someone who is learning English, and think of yourself as someone who speaks English. It's a small change, but it will make you feel more confident and help you use the English you already know better.

    Try to Learn Phrases

    Speaking English fluently means being able to express your thoughts and feelings. Your goal is to speak English in full sentences, so why not learn it in full sentences? You'll find that English is more useful in your life if you study whole phrases, rather than just simple words.


    Studying English for an hour once a week isn't usually enough to make any real progress. The best way to quickly improve your English is to spend at least a few minutes practicing every day.

    Don't Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

    Sometimes it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into a simple sentence. Don't let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking. Even if you think you're making a mistake, keep speaking anyway. Most of the time, people will understand what you're trying to say. The more you speak, the easier it will be.

    1. (1) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
      A . Practicing English every day helps you make greater progress. B . Studying whole phrases makes you express your thoughts and feelings worse. C . Thinking of yourself as an English speaker can make you more confident and use English better.
    2. (2) What should you do if you make a grammar mistake when you are talking to an native English speaker?
      A . Just keep speaking B . Stop speaking right away. C . Think of yourself as an English speaker.
    3. (3) Which of the following titles can be put into "  ▲  "?
      A . Hard Work Pays Off B . Practice Makes Perfect C . Failure Is the Mother of Success
    4. (4) Where do we most probably see the above passage?
      A . In a student's diary. B . In a travel magazine. C . In a study newspaper.
    5. (5) Who will be most interested in this material?
      A . A writer who writes novels. B . A teacher who teaches history. C . A student who wants to improve English.
