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  • 1. (2020八上·婺城期中) 根据上面的短文内容完成下面的表格。

    China will gradually increase(增加) required scores on the physical education(PE) test to the same level as those of Chinese, math and English on high school entrance exams(中考) to improve physical education in schools, a senior education official said on Friday. Wang Dengfeng, head of the Department of Physical, Health and Arts Education at the Ministry of Education, said Southwest China's Yunnan province is the only provincial region (地区) in China to give PE classes the same weight as academic subjects(文化科目) on high school entrance exams, and other regions should gradually increase the weight of PE classes to match those of academic subjects.

    The country also should immediately start research on including PE classes in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, Wang said at a news meeting.

    All provincial regions also should gradually add tests of students" aesthetic(美育的) abilities to the high school entrance exams by 2022 to strengthen aesthetic education, he said.

    News about PE test on entrance exams:

    China will gradually increase required on the physical exercise test to the same level as those of Chinese,math and English on high school entrance exams(中考) to improve physical education in schools. Yunnan province is the only provincial region in China to give PE classes the as academic subjects. All provincial regions also should gradually add tests of aesthetic abilities to the high school entrance exams by 2022.

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