When most people think of "beautiful", they think of moviestars. I used to be one of them. But now my view of beauty has completelychanged.
I was with my parents and little brothers at the McDonald's. Sincethere are only tables with four chairs, I'm always the one to sit at a nearbytable by myself. Usually, I'm a little unhappy, but not this time.
A woman was sitting at a table, two tables away. She was young andpretty, not the traditional beauty, but a warm one. She had thick dark-brownhair and wore common clothes, but none of those was why she was so beautiful tome.
Her children spread the ice-cream all over their clothes, and shejust kissed them and that's all. She didn't get angry. The love and warmth thiswoman generated(产生)completely changed my view ofbeauty. She generated warmth like the sun, and her children were little planetsaround her.
She made a difference to her children's lives. Instead of makingthem feel bad about themselves, she made them feel great about everything. Thatis true beauty: to make a positive difference to another's live through warmthand caring.