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  • 1. (2020高一下·阜阳开学考) 完形填空

    Mike was 11. As his birthday was coming up, he 1 his father to buy him a bike, so that he could go to school cycling and not by 2 or relying on his father to 3 him at school, which was 4 a mile away from his home.

    On his 5 , seeing a set of books wrapped nicely in his father's hand, though 6 , he thanked his father. Mike's father was 7 as he didn't have enough money to buy a bike.

    After a week, when Mike was walking home from school, he saw a boy riding a bike. Mike 8 that the bike was too small for the big boy. 9 , the boy ran into a post and fell on the street. Mike rushed to him and 10 him who was his schoolmate Sam.

    Mike helped him stand up and provided him with water. 11 Sam was riding the bike fast, his left leg and hands were 12 injured. Mike asked him to sit in a corner and took the bike and rushed to a 13 nearby.

    An ambulance (救护车) came and carried Sam to hospital. He then rushed to Sam's home and 14 his parents about the accident.

    Sam and his parents thanked Mike for the 15 help. Mike in turn said, "It was all 16 just because I rode Sam's bike." He added," The bike is too small for Sam to ride and that's why he was 17" Mike met Sam every day in hospital until he 18.

    Sam got a new bike and he came to know that Mike didn't have the 19 to own a bike. He gave his old bike to Mike and with his parents' 20, Mike accepted the gift.

    A . persuaded B . arranged C . requested D . ordered
    A . jumping B . driving C . walking D . wandering
    A . drop B . discover C . hug D . pick
    A . gathered B . spotted C . fixed D . located
    A . holiday B . birthday C . graduation D . celebration
    A . frightened B . hopeful C . unhappy D . impatient
    A . calm B . grateful C . puzzled D . upset
    A . felt B . learned C . agreed D . argued
    A . Suddenly B . Eventually C . Thankfully D . Actually
    A . treated B . remembered C . regarded D . recognized
    A . Before B . Since C . Unless D . Though
    A . slightly B . necessarily C . seriously D . gently
    A . church B . school C . hospital D . shelter
    A . complained B . reminded C . impressed D . informed
    A . generous B . pleasant C . honored D . limited
    A . unlikely B . possible C . exciting D . unbelievable
    A . worried B . injured C . beat D . attacked
    A . broke out B . missed out C . checked out D . pulled out
    A . interest B . confidence C . right D . chance
    A . permission B . admission C . guidance D . introduction
