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  • 1. (2019六上·盐城月考) 阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的选项

    The Frog Prince

    Long long ago, there was a little lovely princess(公主). One day, she went to a forest carrying her dear golden ball. While (当) playing with the ball, it suddenly fell into the water and the princess cried loudly. At that time, an ugly(难看的) frog turned up and told the princess he would help her to pick up the ball if she promised (承诺) him to make friend with him. The princess promised him and the frog dived (跳入) along into the river and picked up the ball. However (然而), the princess didn't keep her promise and ran away. The frog went to the palace(皇宫) the next day and the king soon understood what had happened. He was not happy with the princess because the frog helped her. She should keep her promise. Then the frog had a meal with the princess. He wanted to sleep with the princess. She was very angry and threw(扔) the frog to the wall rudely (粗鲁地) . Magically (令人惊奇地) , the frog turned into a prince. At last, the princess and the frog prince lived happily together.

    1. (1) One day, the princess played with her       , it fell into the water.
      A . a goldfish B . a football C . a golden ball
    2. (2) The frog was very _______.
      A . beautiful B . handsome (英俊) C . ugly
    3. (3) The princess got her ball, then _______.
      A . kept her promise B . ran away C . laughed at the frog
    4. (4) The frog wanted            with the princess.
      A . to have a meal B . to dance C . to make a friend
    5. (5) This story told us            .
      A . the princess was very rudely B . the frog should not help the princess C . we should keep our promise
