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  • 1. 阅读理解

    My mum

    —by Rebecca

    She, with a serious face, sits in front of me.

    And always tells me what I should be,

    What I can't be.

    In her mind, I just do everything wrong.

    I can try nothing because I'm not strong.

    Sometimes I just think about that.

    Doesn't she treat (对待) me just as a pet?

    She's a boring woman, she is my mum.

    And then one day I see her,

    In the kitchen, making supper.

    Wonderfully, her hands are dancing.

    Washing and cutting,

    Cooking the dinner becomes her everything.

    Suddenly I find she's beautiful.

    She's an angel, my mum.

    1. (1) The writer's mother always wants her daughter_____________.
      A . to become cleverer B . to work harder C . to do everything on her own D . to obey (服从) her
    2. (2) The writer's mother doesn't think her daughter can do something____________.
      A . safe B . important C . right D . difficult
    3. (3) The writer___________.
      A . doesn't love her mother B . likes to keep a pet but her mother doesn't agree C . doesn't like the way her mother treats her D . thinks her mother wants to keep a pet
    4. (4) The writer suddenly feels her mother is beautiful because __________.
      A . her mother is really beautiful B . her mother looks beautiful C . her mother is an angel D . she feels her mother's love for her
    5. (5) The poem would probably try to mean that__________.
      A . the writer's mother doesn't love her very much B . parents should try to understand their children better C . children don't love their parents very much D . children and parents should try to understand each other better
