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  • 1. 她想为他们做信息卡,你能帮她一起做吗?(每空一词)

    Marie Curie(居里夫人) was a famous scientist. She was born in Poland(波兰) in 1867. As a young woman, she went to Paris(巴黎), France(法国). She was very good at Maths and Physics(物理). In 1903, the Curies won(获得) the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖). She lived to be 67. She is a role model for everyone.


    Louis Braille(路易斯·布莱叶) was born in France in 1809. In 1812, he was three years old. He became blind. Then he learnt to read at a school for blind children. He made the first letter in Braille(布莱叶盲文) in 1824. He lived to be 43. Louis Braille is a great man. He is a role model for you and me.


    Name: Marie Curie


    Country: Poland

    ●She was a famous .

    ●She won the Nobel Prize.

    ●She sixty-seven.


    Name: Louis Braille



    ●He became in 1812.

    ●He made the in Braille in 1824.

    ●He lived to be forty-three.
