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  • 1. (2020七下·合肥月考) 阅读理解

    Dear Alice,

    My name is Zhang Jun. I saw your name and email address on www.lostandfound.com. I know you are looking for a camera. I found one. On the evening of this Friday, I went to Zhongshan Park with my friends. We found a camera on a white chair in the park. It's a nice red camera. It must be yours because we can see your name and email address on the back of the camera. I know you miss your lost camera very much. Maybe "it" misses you, too. Please call me when you get this email. My mobile phone number is 15363040618. And you can also send me an email or talk with me by QQ. My QQ number is 69183317.

    Best wishes,

    Zhang Jun

    1. (1) Zhang Jun found Alice's name and email address ______.
      A . on the Internet B . in a park C . in a school D . on TV
    2. (2) Zhang Jun found a camera ______.
      A . in the morning B . this Friday C . in the afternoon D . this Saturday
    3. (3) The underlined word "it" refers to ______.
      A . the camera B . the phone C . the computer D . the wallet
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
      A . Alice's QQ number is 69183317. B . Alice's name is on the back of the camera. C . Zhang Jun's mobile phone number is 15363040618. D . Alice has an email address, and Zhang Jun also has one.
