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  • 1. (2020高二下·荣成期中) 阅读理解

    Jack Horner is co-author of the book How to Build a Dinosaur. However, he is most famous for his role as consultant(顾问) on all four Jurassic Park films, including the new film Jurassic World.

    The original film Jurassic Park tells the story of a theme park where dinosaurs live. In that movie, scientists used DNA collected by ancient mosquitoes that had been trapped in amber shortly after they drank dinosaur blood. The scientists used this dinosaur DNA to create baby dinosaurs. The scientists in Jurassic Park created various types of dinosaurs, but in the real world there is one big problem with the story. It turns out that DNA could not possibly survive the 65 million years since the death of the dinosaurs.

    The new movie creates the Indominus Rex. This idea of creating a hybrid species is something Horner has explored before. In 2011, he gave a speech in which he discussed producing a dinosaur by working with the genes of a bird. Modern birds are the closest living relative of dinosaurs.

    The concept of using the genes of different animals to create new animals is called transgenic science. And this type of science has already produced some interesting results — goats that produce spider silk in their milk, cows that produce proteins for medicines that can treat diseases, and a pig that produces less-polluting waste thanks to a bit of mouse DNA. However, none of these examples are close to the dinosaurs in Jurassic World. And for a good reason — genetics is a very complex science. Producing a new species is not as simple as just exchanging a few genes around.

    In the end, Jurassic World is all about fun.

    1. (1) What do we know from Paragraph 2?
      A . A theme park is built to protect dinosaurs. B . Mosquito DNA is used to create dinosaurs. C . DNA can be well kept for millions of years. D . Creation of dinosaurs in the film isn't scientific.
    2. (2) What might "the Indominus Rex" be?
      A . A modern bird. B . A goat producing silk. C . A hybrid dinosaur. D . A cow producing protein.
    3. (3) What can we conclude from the last two paragraphs?
      A . Jurassic World proves a big success. B . Many extinct species will be brought back. C . Hybridizing dinosaurs is no easy job. D . Transgenic science proves a complete failure.
    4. (4) What do we know about Jack Horner?
      A . He has starred in Jurassic World. B . He has explored a lot about dinosaurs. C . He has directed four Jurassic Park films. D . He has written How to Build a Dinosaur alone.
