In February 2020, children couldn't go toschool because ofNovel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒). In order not to delay the children's learning,many schools decided to begin online teaching activities.
Online teaching can be said to be a moreeffective learning method when the school is not open, which can not only avoidcross-infection(交叉感染), but also provide learning opportunities forchildren. However, there are many students and parents do not like onlineteaching. They think there are more disadvantages than advantages. Do you knowthe reasons?
There are many advantages about onlineteaching. The biggest one is that it can be practiced over and over again, andthe operation is very simple, just need to record the video of the teacher'sclass. Another advantage of online teaching is itsnovelty(新奇).Children like novelty,and the long-term step-by-step way of attending classes in the classroom makessome students tired of learning. However, in the short term, online teachingcanstimulate(激发)children's interest inlearning, and even help develop their independent learning ability.
There are also many disadvantages. First, thebiggest one isthe lack of interaction(缺乏互动).Although there are a lot of online teachingsoftware, and teachers can see the students through the camera and communicatewith them by voice. But can the teachers and students interact well? Of coursethey can't. Second, online teaching is difficult to know the students' learningsituation well. Third, some students use online classes as an excuse to playmobile phones or games.
There is also a big disadvantage about onlineteaching: children need to look at a screen for a long time. It must be bad fortheir eyes. According to a netizen, the online teaching schedule in a school isfrom 8 a.m. to 4 p. m, with a 2-hour break at noon. Can a child's eyes standlooking at a screen for so long?