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  • 1. 补全对话。

    A: Tina,

    B: Sure, Mum! What are they?

    A: First, you need to walk the dog.

    B: OK.

    A: After you come back from school in the afternoon.


    A: You also should clean the living room.

    B: I'm really busy.

    A: No, she has to wash the dishes.

    B: All right.

    A: When you go out, don't forget to take out the rubbish.

    B: OK.

    A: Yes. After doing them, you can have a rest.

    A. Could Jenny help with it?

    B. I hope I can do everything.

    C. When could I walk it?

    D. could you help out with a few things?

    E. Is that everything?

    F. Yes, I'd like to.

    G. What else?
