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  • 1. (2020六下·瓯海期末) 阅读下面的四段文字,完成选择。

    Book 1

    Ken is a fisherman. One day he goes fishing and finds a strange thing in his net. He wants to know what it can do. So he takes the thing home and finds out what the thing can do…

    Book 2

    Lucy is a writer. One day she meets a robot in the park. The robot asks Lucy to go with him. Lucy is very curious(好奇)about it. So She goes with the robot. What happens next?

    Book 3

    Alex is a brave police officer. One evening he sits near some men in a restaurant. The men want to rob a bank(抢银行)near the restaurant. Can Alex stop them?

    Book 4

    Carol is mad about football. She plays football every day. "Girls won't be a football player !" says her mom. But Carol works very hard on football and one day a coach sees her play…

    1. (1) Ken works ______________.
      A . at the sea B . at a factory C . at a restaurant
    2. (2) Alex meets ______________.
      A . a robot B . a football coach C . some bad people
    3. (3) Which is Book 2?
    4. (4) In Book 4, "Carol is mad about football. "Here" mad" means ______________.
      A . 讨厌 B . 着迷的 C . 兴奋的
    5. (5) If(如果) ______________, he/she will read four passages.
      A . a coach want to play football with robots B . a policeman likes going fishing very much C . a student wants to choose a book in a bookstore
