当前位置: 小学英语 / 阅读理解
  • 1. (2021五下·大洼月考) 阅读短文,根吾短文内容提取信息,将下方横线处补充完整。

    Mom: What would you like for dinner, children?

    Dot: I'd like some meat and fruit.

    Toto: I'd like some rice and fish.

    Coco: I'd like a hamburger and a Coke.

    Mom: Oh, too much! How can I cook them all?

    Dad: Well, shall we go to the restaurant?

    Children & Mom: Great!

    It's time for . Dot would like some meat and . Toto would like some and fish. Coco would like a and a Coke. At last, they go to the .
