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  • 1. (2020八上·余姚期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Once there was a rich old man living with no one in a big house. He was getting older day by day and was not able to look after1, so he decided to look for a nurse to help with2and take care of him.

    One day, the old man interviewed (面试) two3—Dennis and Greg. Dennis was a handsome young man, while Greg looked4. The old man asked Dennis to make a cup of5for him. After Dennis left, the old man turned to Greg and6. "Dennis said you were rude and not honest (诚实的) . Is this true?"

    Greg7for a minute and said, "If Dennis said something bad8me, I think there must be something wrong with me. So I should take some steps to9them."

    The old man was very10to hear Greg's words. At the same time, Dennis came back with a cup of tea for the old man.

    The old man asked Greg to11breakfast for him. He then turned to Dennis and12him, "Greg spoke very poorly of you when you were out.13do you like this?" After hearing this, Dennis was very angry and shouted14.

    Finally, the old man let Dennis leave.15Greg looked ordinary (普通),he had great inner beauty. So he got the job at last!

    A . herself B . himself C . myself D . yourself
    A . homework B . teamwork C . schoolwork D . housework
    A . teachers B . doctors C . nurses D . dentists
    A . common B . serious C . short D . poor
    A . tea B . water C . juice D . coffee
    A . added B . asked C . called D . smiled
    A . thought B . listened C . dreamed D . wrote
    A . to B . for C . about D . with
    A . stand B . refuse C . serve D . improve
    A . sad B . bored C . glad D . angry
    A . eat B . have C . make D . finish
    A . accepted B . told C . missed D . promised
    A . How B . Why C . When D . Where
    A . clearly B . successfully C . loudly D . quietly
    A . If B . because C . till D . Although
