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  • 1. (2017七下·无锡期中) 听第二篇短文,回答小题。

    Mrs. King likes dogs and cats. She buys a young dog and wants to take it to London. It's about lunchtime.<br />Mr. and Mrs. King are hungry and want to have something to eat. So they go to a small restaurant.<br />Mrs. King wants to give the dog something to eat. She points to the dog and then she points to her mouth<br />and says, give it something to eat, please. The waiter doesn't know much English.<br />But he says, yes, yes, and takes the dog into the kitchen at once.<br />About 20 minutes later, the waiter brings the king's a large bowl of dog meat.<br />After she sees this, Mrs. King is very angry.<br />Why do you cook my dog? Don't you know dogs are our friends?<br />Mrs. King likes dogs and cats. She buys a young dog and wants to take it to London. It's about lunchtime.<br />Mr. and Mrs. King are hungry and want to have something to eat. So they go to a small restaurant.<br />Mrs. King wants to give the dog something to eat. She points to the dog and then she points to her mouth<br />and says, give it something to eat, please. The waiter doesn't know much English.<br />But he says, yes, yes, and takes the dog into the kitchen at once.<br />About 20 minutes later, the waiter brings the king's a large bowl of dog meat.<br />After she sees this, Mrs. King is very angry. Why do you cook my dog?<br />Don't you know dogs are our friends?

    1. (1) What does Mrs. King like?         

      A . Cats only. B . Birds only. C . Cats and dogs.
    2. (2) Why do the Kings go to a restaurant?      

      A . Because they are hungry. B . Because they want to show their lovely dog to the waiter. C . Because they want their dog to play there.
    3. (3) What does the waiter think Mrs. King want to do?      

      A . She wants something to eat.  B . She wants him to give her dog something to eat. C . She wants to eat the dog.
    4. (4) Which of these sentences is TRUE?      

      A . The waiter cooks the dog because he hates dogs very much. B . Mrs. King loves dogs.           C . Mrs. King likes to eat dog meat.
    5. (5) What does Mrs. King want to do with (对待) the little dog?      

      A . She wants to take it to London.    B . She wants to eat it. C . She wants the waiter to cook it.
